🏙 P6: Make Effective Data Visualization


This visualization shows the growth of 20 most populous cities of the world from 1990 to 2014: the ordinal number reflects the population rating of the city, the size of the circles and the text during animation - the amount of population growth in percent over the period.

The purpose of this visualization is to show urbanization processes on the example of large cities. The page allows to see the regions of the explosive growth of large cities (Asia and Africa), as well as the absence of a linear relationship between the growth rates and the initial size of the city during this period: the cities of Japan and the USA show relatively low growth, the cities of China certainly are leaders in growth rate.

The unprecedented scale of China’s urban explosion is obtained by a set of reasons (economic liberalization, development of the transport system, increase in the population in general, etc.) and, of course, a very interesting subject for research.


Basic decisions of the map are made in shades of light blue, gray, dark blue and white colors. This let us not to dissipate the user's attention with bright colors, but it makes the map very clearly defined. Text and graphics solutions in a single color scheme allow the visualization to be considered as a single information space.

For the circles, I picked up a collection of bright colors, because the pre-decided to make them as transparent as possible.

For the additional text about every city I used the tooltips. It helps not to overflow the map by information.

The use of animations significantly expanded the provided information and underlined the findings.

The sortable table N2 helps to research the data more deeply. The highlighting by colors for rows corresponds to the colors of circles on the map for each city.



I started the projects using high level libraries. This process reflects index01.html & index02.html. The first feedback was a discussion on the Udacity forum about types of programms which I should use. The result was the acceptable range for code libraries: intermediate-level tools.

I completely redid the project and tried to add information about more cities. This step reflects files index11.html & index12.html. I didn't show them to the audience because I did not like the results.

On my opinion in index11.html has too many visual points and it was hard to catch any idea for expression. In the file index12.html , I took as a basis for other statistical data which is limited to 20 cities. But I did not like the visual view of the map, it looked more like a scheme.

I improved the map and added the table with names of cities and areas (index13.html & index14.html).

In the next step I added animation for circles and their inscriptions (index15.html & index16.html). As a result, I also was dissatisfied and decided to animate the circles individually (index17.html). I liked the most the result of changing and showed the project again.


The second feedback was a verbal comment of my mother that she liked the visualization, but she wanted to see an analysis of the causes of the processes together with a graphical representation.

For example, she connects high growth for Asian Cities not only with birthrate, but with the economic success of these countries in recent decades.

I included my point of view with analysis into the summary section.


The third feedback was an email from my son. He liked the project also and wanted to see the name of countries and another colors during the animation.

I added country codes and changed the color of text in animation option (index18.html) .


After that I added the comments into the code lines because I received a note about this in the previous project P4 and send P6 for the submission.


The next feedback was a review on the Udacity.com. It helps me improve my visualization (index19.html).

1 ) I added a comment at the bottom of the page with an explanation of animation to improve interconnection with users: "For more information, move the cursor on the circles on the map or on the table at right".

2) I corrected the code: add ";" and " " for achieving a uniform style of the program.

3) I expanded the information that can be transmitted to the reader via animation tables. These tables together with the size of circles help to underline the main finding: the cities of China demonstrate the greatest rate of growth.


The feedback on the forum were comments about adding a link to the source, increasing the dataset, correlation between the radius of circles and the growth rates and about possible changing in the color scheme and text labels.

1) I added a link to the source of information.

2) I left the color scheme without any changes except the background color for the table. As the author I want to see the result of the visualization in a single color gamma.

3) I used d3.scale.sqrt() for correlation between the radius of circles and the growth rates.

4) The adding of the long city names (with areas) makes the map overfull by text information. That's why I created the table at right and didn't use this labels on the map. (index20.html - index22.html)


Corrections after review №2 were the followings:

1) creating tooltips with ranks, city names and growth rates;

2) adding the ability to sort the table №2 by values in the columns.

The final version - index_final.html.